What is Visitors Insurance?
Similar to Travel Insurance, a Visitors Insurance is for foreign nationals visiting Canada for a short or long period of time, either with a purpose to explore the country or visit their family and friends living in the country. Many visitors believe that they do not require Visitors Insurance as they are covered under their regional health plans, not realizing the fact that most insurance providers from across the globe do not cover you for medical expenses incurred in a foreign country.
As per Canadian Law, tourists visiting Canada are not covered under free medical facilities as Canadian citizens. They have to pay for their medical bills by themselves. Medical services are quite expensive in Canada and difficult to bear. This can put a heavy burden on visitors hampering their travel plans. To save visitors from financial burden, the Canadian Government encourages every visitor to have medical insurance prior to their visit to Canada.
The benefits and coverage under Visitors Insurance are similar to those offered by the Travel Insurance. However, some coverage conditions may differ with each insurance provider and their plans.
At MILIFE, we bring to you competitive Visitors Insurance plans, attractive offers and the best rate. The cost would differ with every plan depending on your medical conditions, your travel type, and any specific requirement you may have.